Specialty Testing Services
In addition to
flow meter calibration services, CEESI provides specialized testing of a wide variety of meters.
Below are some examples of specialized testing CEESI has performed.
Evaluation of Gas Sampling Methods
The American Petroleum Institute (API) funded a program to evaluate gas sampling processes under controlled conditions in the CEESI Wet Gas Test Facility.
The objectives were to evaluate the effects of sampling method, location and gas composition.
The results are intended to support a future revision of API MPMS Chapter 14.1.
Measurement Pod Evaluation
The “Pod” is a term that refers to the use of multiple orifice meters flowing into a common discharge header.
The line pressure for all of the orifice flow meters is measured at a common point on the discharge header therefore reducing instrumentation costs.
This project initially involved the testing of pod based flow measurement for a natural gas production company.
The goal of the testing was to obtain Bureau of Land Management approval for pod based flow measurement.
The Bureau of Land Management initially rejected the producers application which resulted in CEESI becoming a technical advisor to both parties.
CEESI developed a technically acceptable solution based on sound measurement practices and supported by testing.
The solution involved the development of a custom expansion factor as well as special tests to answer specific questions concerning the performance of the pod based system flowing a saturated gas stream.
The proposed solution was ultimately accepted by both parties.
Orifice Meter Discharge Coefficient Test Program
CEESI participated as a test laboratory in the development of the orifice discharge database used to formulate the empirical correlation in the ANSI/API 2530 standard.
CEESI developed a "state of the art" viscous flow system to use as a testing platform.
CEESI also conducted testing with air at higher pipe Reynolds numbers.
Secondary Production Eductors
Testing was performed to evaluate and characterize the performance of eductors used to enhance oil production.
The particular eductor design operated with high pressure gas an energy source.
The testing involved flowing 4000 psi compressed air at various mass flowrates to the eductor inlet and measuring the flow of liquid drawn into the eductor at various supply pressures.
A second set of tests was conducted using two phase flow as the motive fluid.
The efficiency and sizing design information of the eductors was determined from the test results.