CEESI Turbine Meter Publications
The following are a selection of papers written by CEESI engineers regarding turbine meters. If you would
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Uncertainty Analysis of Turbine and Ultrasonic Meter Volume Measurements – Part 2, Advanced Topics
Tom Kegel,
2004, SE Asian Flow Conference
This paper continues from the first paper1 in describing the process of estimating the uncertainty of volume measurements made with turbine and ultrasonic flowmeters. Components that contribute uncertainty include the pressure and temperature transducers, the gas chromatograph, state equation and flow computer as well as the meter itself. In the first paper each component was described and numerical uncertainty values were estimated based on a hypothetical set of measurements. The individual component values were combined to provide the uncertainty in the total volume.
The present paper discusses uncertainty issues associated with calibration, it is organized based on two examples. The first example concerns pressure transducer calibration, the second example discusses flowmeter calibration. Topics include short and long term random effects, percent-of-reading effects, and full-scale effects Additional discussion covers proper interpretation of flowmeter calibration results and guidance to replace manufacturer specifications with calibration results.
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Uncertainty Analysis of Turbine and Ultrasonic Meter Volume Measurements
Tom Kegel,
2003, AGA Operations Conference
This paper describes the process of estimating the uncertainty of volume measurements made with turbine and ultrasonic flowmeters. Components that contribute uncertainty include the pressure and temperature transducers, the gas chromatograph, state equation and flow computer as well as the meter itself. Each component is described and numerical uncertainty values are estimated based on a hypothetical set of measurements. The individual component values are combined to provide the uncertainty in the total volume. Some discussion of advanced topics is included.
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A Gas Turbine Meter Flow Restrictor/Check Meter Concept
Walt Seidl,
1994, American Gas Association Distribution/Transmission Conference
Flow restrictors have been used for a number of years to prevent damage to gas turbine flowmeters due to surges in flowrate, usually caused by large, sudden pressure fluctuations. These flow restrictors are typically orifices, nozzles, or Venturis. This paper will describe the design, manufacture, calibration and use of a Venturi type flow restrictor that is able to perform a check of the flow measurement accuracy of the turbine flowmeter with which it is combined.
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